S&P500 時価総額加重と均等加重のパフォーマンス比較


🇺🇸米国株 S&P500のパフォーマンスを2つの加重方法から確認できるグラフです。

  • 時価総額加重:時価総額の割合に合わせた組入比率でポートフォリオを組む方法
  • 均等加重:すべての銘柄の組入比率を「1」としてポートフォリオを組む方法です。





SPY % vs RSP % Comparison with Animation


SPY vs RSP Comparison without Animation

A graph that shows the performance of the S&P 500 through two different weighting methods:

  • Market Capitalization Weighting: A portfolio construction method that matches the inclusion ratio to the proportion of market capitalization.
  • Equal Weighting: A method where the inclusion ratio for all stocks is set to ‘1,’ creating a portfolio.

In market capitalization weighting, the performance of companies with a large ratio of inclusion tends to have a greater impact on stock prices.

In equal weighting, the individual performance of each stock affects the stock price. Since market capitalization is irrelevant, it is useful for checking the overall sturdiness of stocks, among other things.

If the market capitalization weighting (pink) is above the equal weighting (blue), it may indicate that the stocks are overvalued. If it is below, it may indicate that the stocks are undervalued.